Watershed Newsletter
The Wimberley Valley Watershed Association

Protecting Jacob's Well and the Springs of the Wimberley Valley

Conserve & Protect Texas Water Resources!

The 83rd Texas Legislature opened its regular session this month, and water is a high priority issue on the legislative agenda. But most of the focus thus far has been on establishing a new fund to finance water infrastructure projects.

Lower Sabinal River, Texas

Texas does have important water and wastewater infrastructure needs, but conserving and protecting existing water resources should also be a high priority for state legislators.

Contact your State Representative and State Senator and urge them to take action this session to conserve and protect Texas water resources and establish priorities for funding water projects and programs.

Texas needs to enhance water conservation efforts, respond to drought more effectively, protect instream flows and freshwater inflows to bays and estuaries, and establish clear criteria for determining which water projects merit state financial assistance.       

Take Action Now

The Texas legislative session only lasts for 140 days, so it's time to act NOW to let state legislators know that you want them to conserve and protect your water resources as they tackle this critical issue.

For more background information on Texas state water planning and funding issues, go to http://www.texas.sierraclub.org/water/201301xMeetingCriticalWaterNeeds.pdf.